​FINTEL Frank Talk – Day 1 of 10



If you are reading this post, then I want to specially welcome and congratulate you for making out time to participate in the FINTEL Frank Talk Event hosted by the Financial Intelligence Coach. Whether you were invited by a friend or you responded directly to the event advert, I want to let you know that you are not here by mistake.

I know something about you. Can I say it?

It is either you are not satisfied with the life you are living or you are looking to learn how to take charge of your financial life. If so, I urge you to stay with me and keep visiting this page every morning for the next 10 days as we discuss the real life issues that are making people struggle with their finances.

Before we launch in to the deep, let me tell you a little about myself…

I am a young entrepreneur that is passionate about teaching people financial education as a tool for wealth creation. I am an Architect-in-the -making and have engaged in a couple of small-scale businesses.

When I was a kid, I did not have most of the fancy things in life, not because my parents did not love me, but because we had to “live within our means”.

I was born into a middle class family to parents who were civil servants having their monthly paycheck as the only source of income. Being industrious, they also engaged in subsistence farming to sustain the family. I was told, “Money does not grow on trees”.
That notwithstanding, they did their best to give me all the resources I needed for my quality education. I never lacked textbooks. At the expense of their personal comfort, I was sent to one of the best secondary schools in my state despite the cost.

All this while, I was being trained to go to school, study hard, get good grades and graduate with “flying colors” – whatever that means – so I could get a high paying job and live a “comfortable life”.

That was the script laid out for me, a script well-cherished by the society…

I had no choice but to play it well – so well that no one outperformed me academically in high school. Governed by the fear of failure and rejection, I played along even up until my first few years in the university.

As time went on, I began to feel dissatisfied with the way I was living. Outwardly, I seemed to be doing quite well but deep within me I knew something was missing – something that could not be replaced with the joy of taking the first position in class or having the highest JAMB score in my set.

I felt caged, controlled, constrained, used. I wasn’t living my dream. I had almost lost hope when something revolutionary happened to me…
By around this time last year, a friend invited me to a 3-day Entrepreneurial conference held in my city. After the seminar, I went back to the hostel to soberly rethink my life, my career and my future.

I had learnt from the seminar that one of the keys of success in life is SELF-DISCOVERY – a process whereby the an individual seeks to find out the purpose for which he was born. I was made to understand that it is by finding this purpose and living according to it that life can be truly fulfilling.
It was then that I made life-changing decisions and a reevaluation of my life goals. Today, I am glad that I am living my purpose, not an outdated script; working my way towards financial freedom instead of living paycheck to paycheck like my parents.

What am I driving at? The first step to Wealth Creation is taking charge of your life…

Are you living your life to the fullest or are you acting a script?
As a student, does the course you are studying align with your talents and your purpose in life or were you influenced into it by your parents and peers?

As an Employee, are you really happy with your job? Is your income enough to cover your family expense or are you in debts?
As an Entrepreneur, is your business growing the way you would want it to? How do you feel every time you look at your accounts book?

Whatever your answer is, nothing is going to change unless you take responsibility. You may not necessarily be the cause of the condition you find yourself but you are the only person qualified enough to do something about it.

It is unfortunate that many people are quick to blame external factors for the woes in their life. Some blame their parents, the government, their employer, anything but themselves.

There’s popular saying that if you don’t like something you should change it otherwise change your attitude. Bill Gates was quoted to have said something like if you were born poor if is not your fault, but if you die poor, it is your fault”. Your personal and business finances are serious topics to leave in the hands of other people.

I charge you to begin to HOLD YOURSELF RESPONSIBLE for whatever kind of change or success you want in life – starting from your finances.

Over the next few days, we will be examining the many circumstances that are holding you back from living your life to the fullest and how you can either change them or change your attitude towards them.

Have you got any questions or comments about “Taking Charge of your life”?

Let’s hear your thoughts below.

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2 thoughts on “​FINTEL Frank Talk – Day 1 of 10”

  1. Pingback: FINTEL Frank Talk Day 2 of 10 - FINTEL Coach

  2. Pingback: Your Background vs Your Life - FINTEL Coach

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